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Chef Lettie

Helping Hungry Families

I love being a personal chef. I get to do something I love everyday that allows me to be creative. I also enjoy being a part of my client's lives. I get to watch their kids grow and know that I am providing a service that makes their lives a little easier. However, there are so many families that could use my service but do not have the means to do so. In addition to filling their bellies, a freshly cooked, healthy dinner can bring a family together. It can provide them with time to catch up with one another and build memories. I want to help those families that don't have the luxury of enjoying a home-cooked meal or maybe just need a little extra help to get through a tough time.

To many of us food is an after thought. It is just a part of our day, where we grab something quick on the go, sit down with friends or cook for our family. For some people food is a luxury. It is something they don't have enough of and can't afford to get more of. Or maybe they just have a lot on their plate right now and putting together a dinner is overwhelming. Through my new program, Helping Hungry Families, I will be donating 3 dinners a month to a family in need or one that is going through a tough time and could use a little help. I will work with each family to develop a menu that the whole family will enjoy. Then one week during the month I will deliver their fresh, healthy meals to enjoy whenever they want.

It can be hard to determine when help is needed. After all, there are varying levels of need. I want to help as many people as I can. If you think you know a family that could benefit from my program I encourage you to nominate them by filling out my quick nomination form. I am only looking for families in the Annapolis area at this time. Hopefully one day I will be able to expand my program both in the number of families I can help each month and the area in which I can reach.

If you are inspired to help me feed hungry families, but do not have one to nominate, I would love to hear from you. Together we may be able to figure out other ways in which you can help. I know this program is starting small, but I only want to take on what I can handle at this time to ensure it is a success. I look forward to working with a new family each month and providing them with a little relief. I can't wait to get started!!

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